5.Establish collaboration, mentorship, and professional leadership skills by working with other disciplines to deliver highly polished and completed projects.
Pirate Invasion

While artist were making the art assests, working with the designers we created game objects for our characters and our weapons.​​
With it I made the script and test out these game objects in game while the real assests were getting ready.
While I was writing the code, designers where doing the background for the game and others were looking for sound effects..
First leadership role.
Worked with artist to get assests in game and make them work for the engine.
Worked with designers to implement the background, sound effects and music.

After artists finished the art concepts for some of the visuals we used the sprite editor.
While working with the artist we made the sprites smaller and used them for our main menu screen and also for our victory screens.
Working with the desginers we worked on how the battlegorund should look.​
While one designer was doing the background another was working on the layout where the characters will be standing.
After having our sound effects and background music I added a game object that

H.O.M.E Game Jam Edition

Point and Click
Voyage of Harmony