2.Design, develop, and implement the architecture and infrastructure needed to support a complete game project.
Pirate Invasion

Title screen in which we put a background image from our designer.
Our artist created the two characters and I put them to introduce the characters that we will be using.
Pirate Invasion made with GameMaker Studio.
Multiplayer survival game
Made with the help of my team from the Game put everything together in order to create our first game ever.

After putting the background we started with the battlefield area.
The artist drew both battlegrounds for each character's side.
Also, she created the characters and their weapons.
After I received the assets I had to put on in each square for the background to look like this.
After finishing this I added the characters and their weapons in front of them as the player will know what they were going to use as a fire weapon.
This is the how-to-play screen.
Here we show the players how to move and shoot.
This screen was made using GameMaker sprite editor for the letters.
After adding the instructions we just show off our characters and a back button so that our players can go back to the menu.

This is our credits screen.
Thanking everyone who made this project possible.
Thanks to our artist who made our credits background, I implemented it and added a back button to get back to the menu.
One of our two winning screens.
Here we made our background all black and used the sprite editor to let the players know who won.
Adding another more art from our artist who modifies the loser's face with huge x in their eyes.
Last adding a back button to the menu.

This will be our other game-winning screen where Llab the pirate wins.
We use the sprite editor for each sprite that we used in order to make them look good for the game.
Our artist passed us the png and I had to move the to the sprite editor to edit the sprite for it not to be so big in the game.
Then after that, we would have to create a game object for each sprite used.
So not only did we have a sprite for characters but we also had sprites for the weapons and the bullets used for each weapon.

This is where we all have all of the materials needed for our game to be completed.
Everything was in order and had their own separate folders thanks to GameMaker.
We not only used sprites and game objects, but we also had to create each background and room in order to put everything together in the room option.
Also, we added some sound that you can hear as background music, victory music, and sound effects for when the player shoots their weapon.
Young Knife Boy

Platformer made in Unity.
Made some new stuff such as collecting coins and moving platforms.
Also added a little bit more difficulty to it.
In this gif, as you can see I made the character be able to jump and stick to walls to go through secret places.
When playing the game shoot for a high score where there are more secret places with coins to get!

This is how the title page looks while adding a canvas in order to put the background and adding the buttons to start the game or quit.
On the left side, you can see all the assets used in order for level 1 to be playable.
All the green highlighted areas are all the platforms for this level and their colliders in order for the character to move around the level.
Also on the left side, there is the pause menu with an option to resume the game, restart the level go to the main menu, or quit the game.

On this, as you see on the left side there are more assets used for this level to be made.
There are more assets as I inputted more moving platforms in order to make the level challenges.
Also if you can see those are all the prefabs in order to make more levels which contains prefabs for the main character, enemies, platforms, and even the canvas used.
This is the Victory screen when getting over all four levels.
I used the same as the main menu, used canvas, and a button that lets you back to the main menu.
Also on the right as you can see I use an audio source to let the player have a notice when they won.
These audio sources are used in every scene as background music according to the scene.

This is the game over screen, the same as the other screens it has the same items.
Also adding the main menu button and sad audio to let the player they have reached a game over.